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Crypto: Against All Odds for PC and Mac – Download Free

Crypto: Against All Odds for PC and Mac

Written by Plug-In Digital

  • category: games
  • Released date: September 28, 2009
  • Licence: $9.99
  • Software Version: 1.02
  • File size: 142.49 MB
  • Compatibility: Available on Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, Vista and Mac OS 10, 11 10.9.0
  • How it works

What’s Great?

1. Side activities: You can take part in side activities during missions. Chat with your crypto team, trade cryptocurrencies and play arcade mini-games.

2. You can join a virtual community, do bounties jobs and read terminal chat messages to uncover a conspiracy in the crypto world.

Crypto: Against All Odds Features and Description

Key Features

Latest Version: 1.02

Licence: $9.99

What does Crypto Against All Odds offer? Tactical tower defense gameplay is combined with squad customization and base building. You’ll be able discover the worlds of cryptocurrencies and fight against ransomware, viruses, and other cyberattacks. Tip: Stay calm and do not cross the line. Endless Survival Mode * On-demand playlist of music. You play the role of a blockchain security specialist doing bounties jobs back in the early days Bitcoin. If hacking activity is increasing, you begin to sense a growing threat trying to destroy the entire cryptocurrency space. As you interact with other forum users, read terminal chats and message board, you slowly piece together a big conspiracy. It is possible that the people behind it have your real identity, which you had been trying to keep secret. Features: Play as a Security Expert: Take on the role a cybersecurity expert. Visit a virtual forum and do bounties jobs. You can also read terminal chat messages. This will help you uncover a major conspiracy in the crypto world. Side activities: You can participate in side activities in between missions. Chat with your crypto squad and trade cryptocurrencies. You can make bad choices. Squad customization – You have the option to either slow down your enemies or use an explosive blast to blast them, or even teleport your crypto around. There is a unit for every tactical need. Combine crypto units with multiple supporting powers to create new synergies. These can be anything from zapping one bug to calling airstrikes. Base building: You can upgrade your central hub between missions by visiting it. Each Hub upgrade is not only cosmetic but will grant additional features or even introduce an entirely new game mode! Other features Mini arcade games In-game Encyclopedia Endless Survival mode On-demand music playlist Crypto memes